Google searches for DISC

The most common search terms for people who are looking for advice on DISC reports are they acronyms:

D = Dominant / Dominance

I = Influence

S = Steady / Steadiness

C = Compliant / Compliance

What do these terms mean, and why are they important for HR, business coaching, recruitment, etc?

The DISC Empower tool evauate people on the two matrixes:

Results Driven: High score = Lions and Turtles, Low score = Monkeys and Goldfish

Extroverted vs Introverted: Extroverted = Lions and Monkeys; Introverted = Turtles and Goldfish

What do these things mean?


Results Driven – a results driven person will be more interested in a high score or result (eg sales result, sports result, etc), then they are about people. They are competitive by nature, and driven or motivated by WINNING.

People Focus – people that are motivated by interacting with others are not so interested in the score or in winning. They value relationships over results.

Energy Source:

Extroverted – a person who is extrovertred gets their ENERGY from other people. When they are feeling stress or tired, it is the energy of their friends and colleagues that keeps them going.

Introverted – people who are introverted get their ENERGY from within themselves. When they are feeling stressed or tired, they tend to withdraw from other people, and find a quiet space where they can recharge.

Why is this important?

Knowing yourself is the first step in getting the very best out of yourself, and with working with those around you. YOU are your greatest asset, and your stregths and weaknesses can derail your career, if you don’t understand yourself.

The next step is to know those around you. You can get the best out of others, when you know how they like to work, communicate and play.

How can you find out your profile?

Here are the instructions you can use to send to the people on your team, including candidates.

Could you first do a DISC report, please?  This is a free online quiz that provides us with further understanding of your communication and work preferences.  It is a short quiz and should only take 10 minutes to complete.


a.            Register via:

b.            (This will send you a link to verify your email address.  Do this first, and then log back into the website)


a.            Then click “Free profile report”

b.            Read the instructions

c.            Complete the assessment (10mins) – whilst doing this, think about how you behave AT WORK.  It is not about how you operate at home, at the BBQ, etc. 😊

d.            Note that you can’t get this assessment ‘wrong’; there are no right or wrong answers, nor is there a score or a mark.


a.            Download the report, and email it to us

b.            We recommend that you invest $150 to upgrade to the full report, and will reimburse you if you chose to do this, and share the full report with us.


Business owners, recruiters and HR managers can gain access to a PORTAL, where you can keep track of your team and your candidates, and allocate VOUCHERS (so people can upgrade their reports). Talk to DISC Empower to lean more.


Some people also refer to profiling using the “Gentle, Persuasive, Humble, Original” model. Here is the approx alignment for those, to the DISC Empower system:

Gentle = Goldfish

Persuasive = Monkeys

Humble = (oposite of Lions)

Original = (oposite of Turtles)

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